Bank to the Future: Join Jim Marous for a look at the future of banking

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With BFSI evolving from 1.0 to 4.0, banks must find high-value customers and craft experiences that attract new customers while keeping their current best customers coming back. Banking 4.0 will eliminate physical bank branches and replace them with digitized experiences.

In this session, Mani Gopalaratnam, CEO and CTO of Resulticks and Jim Marous, top 5 banking and fintech influencer, explored customer-centricity in financial marketing, its wide-ranging implications, and the technology and strategic building blocks for future-forward banks.

Resulticks webinar Thumbnail

The key discussion points and takeaways will be:

  • The banking evolution from 1.0 to 4.0 - physical banking to digitized experiential banking – and how brands can keep up.
  • Strategies and insights on driving top-line growth with digital transformation besides acquiring customer data.
  • Why a future-orientated mindset is required for investments in an integrated tech stack.
Jim Marous

Jim Marous

The Financial Brand

Mani Gopalaratnam

Mani Gopalaratnam

CEO and CTO,

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